From: George, W5YR
Dated: July 26, 2003
Subject: Re: K2 Frequency Alignment
I made up an inductive "probe" by winding a few turns of wire
along the end
of a length of coax and putting shrink-wrap over it. The coax
then connects
to my PRO2 receiver input where I can either use the 4 MHz
signal directly
or use the 20 MHz WWV harmonic.
I lay the insulated
coil end anywhere near the microprocessor chip and pick
up enough signal for
the purpose without noticeably pulling the oscillator
frequency, per a
precision counter also on the line.
The PRO2 has the sensitivity to allow
the very small pickup signal to be
used. I use DigiPan as an audio spectrum
analyzer to measure the 4 MHz
signal by tuning the receiver to 4.001 MHz and
looking at the nominal 1000
Hz trace on the waterfall. DigiPan will read the
actual frequency to within
an indicated 0.1 Hz.
I previously calibrate
the PRO2 with WWV by first measuring the WWV audio
tone in AM mode to verify
the soundcard/program operation. Any deviation
from 400 Hz or whatever
is noted as a correction factor. Then I tune to WWV
at 10.001 MHz and look at
the 1000 Hz trace. Any departure from exactly 1000
Hz +/- the soundcard
factor is the dial calibration error of the PRO2 which
is then factored into
the 4 MHz calibration. I usually keep the PRO2 to
within 0.5 Hz of WWV as
measured in this manner.
I find that using the 20 MHz WWV signal to be
far and away the most
accurate, but the other approach comes close enough to
allow a fair degree
of accuracy.
Considering the many strengths and
advantages of the K2, I am willing to be
lenient with respect to dial
calibration accuracy, especially since the
architecture of the receiver
simply will not permit much better than +/- 20
Hz at best on some bands and
much more on others.
If dial calibration is of importance, I compare the
K2 with the PRO2 and
note the difference. I then use that as a correction
factor for the K2 for
that band and at that time.
The inductive
coupling method is, I believe, the best way to tap off some 4
MHz signal with
the least disturbance to the actual oscillator frequency