W3FPR WebPage

Welcome to the W3FPR website -- much is devoted to the K2 but there are several other projects here too.

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All modifications to my K2 are reversible except for a couple of holes in the rear cover which could easily be plugged. Most of the information that I am presenting, belong in my "ease of operating" category. The modifications and accessories are not presented for you to exactly duplicate my efforts, and do not necessarily contain a complete parts list and build manual. My purpose is to give you ideas about what you can do on your own.

I can answer questions about those things that I have built - if you want to try some variation based on my stuff I have no problem, but I may be limited in responding to questions that you may have. I will try, but I can't guarantee success. Feel free to e-mail me with comments and questions - I will provide the best response I can offer.

NEW...  K2 Quick Reference Guide 

A friend and fellow KnightLites QRP club (KnightLites Website) member bought a used K2 and created this handy reference to help acquaint himself with the K2 operation and menu functions.  You may download by right-clicking K2 Quick Reference PDF

K2 Alignment Instructions
(.pdf file 222KB)

I have extracted the portions of the K2 manual dealing with alignment.  Some of the graphics did not survive the extraction process, so it does not have the check boxes and other refinements, but all the information is there.  To download the file, right click on the link Download K2 Alignment

K2 Filter Alignment:

Information on aligning the K2 IF filters (CAL PLL) is contained in the Dial Calibration article here.  Click on the link in the left side panel and then go to Step 3 -CAL PLL

If you need Spectrogram, you may download from this website.  To download version 5.17 which corresponds with the screenshots, click on Download Gram 5.17.

If you need a version that should run on Windows Vista or Win7, try version 16 which is re-sizable and has more bells and whistles, but the same function is there.  Download Gram 16.  Both versions were made freeware.